Traveling in the United Kingdom
If you are planning on traveling to the United Kingdom for the first time, there are certain things that you should know. Be fully aware of all the pitfalls and pleasures of traveling our ancient land. It can ensure that you make the most of your visit and enjoy a successful stay. Here are five things that you should think about when traveling in the United Kingdom.
Beware of London Prices When Traveling in the United Kingdom
There is a vast discrepancy between the prices in the major cities and the prices you will find in smaller towns and rural areas. If you are on a budget, you may be staggered by London prices. In London, you can end up paying double, sometimes more, for accommodation, drinks, and food.
London is a unique and vibrant city. You can save money by leaving the main tourist centers and heading to lesser-known boroughs. But for real value for money, you might want to consider leaving the capital behind. Instead, go explore some of the other beautiful destinations around the British Isles.
Expect Frequent, Short Delays on Public Transportation
Another pitfall for unwary tourists traveling in the United Kingdom is the unreliable public transportation. There is a relatively comprehensive public transport system here. You can travel to much of the UK by train or by bus without much difficulty. Especially in London and the South East, however, you should know that these services rarely run on time and minor delays are commonplace. You are unlikely to experience difficulties in getting where you are going but you should always leave plenty of time to make each journey.

When traveling in the United Kingdom by train, you will stop in small railway stations like this.
Venture Off the Motorways
If you are traveling in the United Kingdom by car, you will usually not encounter many difficulties. However, be aware that motorways can become congested, especially when people are traveling to and from work and in the more densely populated South East. If you are planning a road trip in the UK, be sure to take your time. Just like our travel tips for visiting Italy, venture off the motorways to see the ‘real’ country. When you are on a highway, you will just zip right through the country without seeing a thing. Whenever possible, venture off the primary motorway system to see the UK at its best.
Get Off the Beaten Track When Traveling in the U.K.
You may be thinking of visiting some of the UK’s most famous attractions and best-known cities. But while each of these cities will have plenty to offer, there is much to be said for getting off the beaten track and exploring some beautiful parts of the UK that you might never have heard of before. Why not consider a camping or ‘glamping’ adventure instead of staying in a hotel, or choose a B&B where you can really see what life is like for a local family? There are plenty of options that will allow you to have an adventure without being spoiled by the crowds. For example, getting off the beaten track will save you money too. That’s because prices are lower in places not used to tourist hoards.

Isle of Wright
Be Aware of Cultural Differences When Traveling
Remember, that while traveling in the United Kingdom, the UK is actually four countries, not one. ‘The UK’ does not mean the same thing as ‘England.’ England is only one of the countries that make up the sovereign state. People in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland do not appreciate their own different cultures and histories being overlooked. Be aware of the cultural differences throughout the UK and embrace them. If you get the opportunity, travel north. It is generally considered true that the further north you travel, the friendlier and more open the people. In London and the more densely populated south, people do not generally smile and say hello when passing on the street. Further north, this is commonplace. Take the time, if you can, to experience and enjoy all the different countries and regions of the UK.
What would you advise newbies to the UK?